Tag Archives: Simply Crochet

Snazzy Keyring

My fervour for buying crochet magazines has somewhat diminished as my skills have improved through doing the International Diploma in Crochet. I’m less likely to need the how-to sections found in mags, though I do enjoy reading about history and designers etc. I did, however, get the latest Simply Crochet for the mini crochet hooks on a keyring…

IMG_1515Gimmicky, I know – it’s not like crochet hooks are difficult to carry around anyway (unlike knitting needles which have poked holes in my bags). But I couldn’t resist these! I had a quick go at crocheting a few rows – not enough yet to know if they’ll be useful for anything other than a keyring.

Has anyone else got these? I wonder what you think of them – love or hate?

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Oh grr!! Another project bites the dust!  The finishing line was in view, so I tried on the jumper… only to find it was too small!  And I was so sure I’d been working to correct tension (more or less!) I’m the skinniest of people I know, so it won’t fit anyone else in my circles. I could keep going and hand the project in for my IDC course anyway, but I wanted to make something I would actually wear in that colour. And I can’t face attempting it again..


The yarn colour intrigues me. It’s a warm purple, with more red in it than blue. The pattern was Kat Goldin’s glamorous Purple Jumper (issue 23 of Simply Crochet) and came under the general heading Blackberrying. I chose a different shade to the one specified in the pattern, and it’s called Marionberry. Now, I’m a gardener for a living, and I have never heard of this kind of berry! I’ve heard of Blackberry, of course, and Raspberry, Blueberry, Loganberry, Cranberry, Jostaberry, Tayberry, Cloudberry, Dewberry… But Marionberry? At first I thought it was just a fanciful name, but a quick search online showed me otherwise. Its a Blackberry hybrid, and is one of many types of berry which I now realise I never knew existed.. There’s Hildaberry, King’s Acre Berry, Sunberry, Tummelberry, even a Phenomenal Berry. The mind boggles.. and the taste buds salivate! Who’d have thought that crochet could teach me something about horticulture?

Marionberries (2493507934).jpg

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